Chopping Machine for Animal Feed

Seed-Cum Fertilizer Distributor
  • Simple in construction and operation
  • Reduce the tediousness of chopping
  • Affordable and suitable for small-scale dairy industry
  • Can control the chopping length
  • Can help in reducing loss of animal feed (specially, straw/grasses)
  • Improves chopping capacity 2-3 times compared to chopping by sickle
Bioreactor for Syngas Fermentation

Bioreactor for Syngas Fermentation

Seed-cum-Fertilizer Distributor

Seed-cum Fertilizer Distributor


Adaptable Smart Urban Agriculture (ASUA)

Pineapple Plant Dressing Machinezer Distributor

Pineapple Plant Dressing Machine

Seed-cum Fertilizer Distributor
Pineapple Plant Dressing Machine